Tell the world these blessed tidings,
Soon shall rest and peace appear.
Tell oppressed of every nation,
This rest will be a thousand years.
Soon will countless hearts and voices,
Sing this song of Jubilee,
Blessed song, this song of Israel,
‘Tis a song of Liberty.
Christ shall come with saints descending,
To redeemed and press His claim;
Countless angel-hosts attending,
Christ the Lord returns to reign.
Every eye shall then behold Him,
When He comes to set us free;
Those who jeered at night and sold Him,
Pierced and nailed Him to the tree.
Lord accept us with Thy blessing,
Fill our hearts this Jubilee,
Give to each thy love possessing,
Brightest years of Liberty.
Praise we’ll give with adoration,
For these tidings, (joyful sound),
While the fruits of this redemption
In our hearts and lives abound.
Tell the world these blessed tidings,
Soon the signs of peace appear,
Tell the heathen what awaits them –
A sinless world, a thousand years.
No more sorrow, no more sickness,
No more war, this earth will see.
Blessed song, this song of Israel,
Peace on earth, thru VICTORY!
-–H. J. Wright